Denyse Klette
Denyse Klette’s earliest memory of creating was when she was four and she spent hours copying the drawings out of her sister’s ‘How To Draw’ book, which serendipitously was written by a Disney artist. When she was 8, Denyse came home from school and announced to her parents that she should quit grade 4 and become an artist since that is what she knew she would be. Her parents made her stay in school but she was selling her line drawings by grade five so she could have “donut and butter tart” money and by 16 she had her first cartoon strip published in two local newspapers.
Today, Denyse’s artwork is represented in three countries and has been featured prominently in galleries and private collections in North America. In 2006, a collection of 45 pieces was featured in the $40M Deerfoot Inn and Casino in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. For over 15 years she had the privilege to paint portraits of business people, politicians, celebrities and families from several different countries.
The pinnacle in her career was the day she signed to become the first Canadian artist to be published under the Disney Fine Art collection. “To walk into my studio each day and know that I get to create the most magical characters is a dream come true.”